Ying Feng



I am a first-year PhD student at MIT, where I am fortunate to be advised by Piotr Indyk. Before that, I was an undergrad at CMU.

My interest is theoretical computer science. Currently, I’m particularly interested in algorithms for massive or high-dimensional data.

Email: yingggfeng(at)gmail.com



  1. Fast White-Box Adversarial Streaming Without a Random Oracle
    In ICML 2024
  2. A Real-Time Rescheduling Algorithm for Multi-Robot Plan Execution
    In ICAPS 2024


  1. Improved Algorithms for White-Box Adversarial Streams
    In ICML 2023
  2. A Fast Rescheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Multi-Robot Coordination (Extended Abstract)
    In SoCS 2023